Below is our full curriculum overview, with further information by subject.
To view this Term’s Curriculum letters for each class, please visit the Class Curriculum Page.
Curriculum Intent: At St. Mary’s Catholic Primary School, our intention is to provide an ambitious, broad, and balanced education which will help the children in our care to grow to their full potential. We pay close regard to the formation of the whole person, so that they leave our school strong in faith, and academically ready to make a positive contribution to the world.
Our vision at St Mary’s Catholic Primary School is to provide the highest quality of education within a Catholic ethos. Through the love of God, we nurture the uniqueness of each child, working hard using the talents God has given us for the good of other people and to achieve our best. Together, with our families, our parish and our local community, we seek to create a safe, happy school where we treat each other with love and compassion and where our children become confident and caring citizens with a passion for learning.
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Implementation, timetabling & Impact
Curriculum Introduction in full
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