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Bubble Sports Afternoon

Sorry, no parent spectators. Public Health advice is to keep bubble routines in place in school until the end of the academic year.   

Swimming Lessons Start (Kingfishers)

Year 3/4 - delayed due to refurbishment at the leisure centre. Please see letter sent home and complete the necessary permission forms.

Sports Day

Children will need to wear the colours of their house. A t-shirt or coloured ribbon will suffice. Start 13:15 – parents welcome (more details to follow) ✓ St David = Yellow ✓ St Patrick = Green ✓ St George = Red ✓ St Andrew = Blue

KS2 Netball Club Starts

Free after school club for Years 3 - 6 running until Christmas Please complete & return consent form to attend.

Athlete Visit & Fitness Special

It's time to meat our Olympic athlete face-to-face and get active with her in our fitness circuits The more you raise, the more sports equipment we get - and the children get thank you prizes too (Sponsor forms sent home, or set up an online page; see letter sent home for details) 

Swimming Pool

See letter sent home 13.01.23 - all parents must reply in order for us to timetable swimming

Swimming Week 2

Year 3 -6 please have your kit in school every day. Year 1 and 2 will need their kit on Tuesday or Thursday (days are mixed as groupings depend on their assessed swimming level). Friday's timetable will be a special reward swim for our half term superstars.