Trips and Activities
We’re so excited to see you all back at school. All nursery and primary aged children will back at school on Monday, March the 8th. Face-to-face Music lessons will also resume on March 8th You can find out more about returning to school after Lockdown on our dedicated COVID page
Clubs are back!
Bubble Clubs & The Wriggle Project Start Gardening Club Robins (Big and Little) – Wednesday lunchtimes Outdoor Story Sessions Goldfinches – Wednesday lunchtimes Games/Athletics for KS2 – Wednesday after school Architecture Project Group Skylarks – Thursday after school (from Tuesday 4th May – no clubs on the 1st & last week of term) We are currently running our clubs within our bubbles only; each class can find out from their teacher details of what clubs are available to them.
Skylarks Re-Treat Day
An in-house day retreat full of fun for all our Skylarks children (payments via ParentPay and more information on Google Classrooms) Letter: Y5_6 Alton Castle At St Mary's 2021