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Table Top Sale

Catholic Church of Our Lady and Saint Wulstan 5 Wood St, Southam

At the church hall Refreshments available and raffle

Application Deadline Secondary School Places

The application process opens on 6 September 2021 and the deadline to apply for a secondary school place is 31 October 2021. If you apply by this date, you will receive your child’s school offer on National Offer Day (1 March 2022). Apply Online:

Vision Screening (Reception)

The Vision Screening for Reception will take place in school on Monday 8th November. (The vision screening programme is an ‘opt out’ service for parents so you only need to return the form if you don't wish your child to partake.)

Anti-Bullying Week

Anti-Bullying Week is coordinated In England and Wales by the Anti-Bullying Alliance and takes place from 15 to 19 November 2021 and it has the theme One Kind Word.

Health Needs Assessment (Y6) & National Child Measurement Programme (YR & Y6)

Warwickshire School Health and Wellbeing Service will be coming into school to deliver the key elements of the Universal Healthy Child Programme the National Child Measurement Programme (NCMP) and Annual Online Health Needs Assessments for Year 6 (HNA). Letters to be sent home with YR and Y6 pupils

Non-Uniform Day!

BRING IN £1 ON FRIDAY In exchange for £1, children can come to school on Friday 19th November wearing whatever they would like. This could be odd socks, their favourite outfit, coming to school with a crazy hairstyle... This will both help us to celebrate being different and kind too as the end of Anti-Bullying week and fundraise for the annual Children In Need appeal (and of course you'll all be looking gorgeous already for the evening's chocolate bingo!)


St Marys Southam Daventry Road, southam

Come along and  join the fun! Friday 19th November, 6 - 8pm St Mary’s School Hall £1 a book for the Bingo Raffle, refreshments & snack bar. All proceeds to go to FOSM to support the school We will be looking for parents/children to donate chocolate for this event.

** NEW DATE: Nasal Flu Vaccinations YR – Y6 **

Unfortunately the nasal flu visit for our school had to be postponed from October due to the Covid vaccination programme for 12 – 15 year olds taking priority.  Parental consent forms have been sent out to parents by email ahead of the session and must be completed electrnically by 13th November. Find out more:  Primary Flu Leaflet Fill in your consent form: Say yes or no online here

Southam Christmas Lights Switch On

Our school choir have started rehearsing and will be joining in the opening of the event with a short performance of Christmas songs – please return the reply slip if your child would like to attend and/or you can help with the FOSM stall at the event.