Stations of the Cross
Catholic Church of Our Lady and Saint Wulstan 5 Wood St, SouthamReception: Big Robins helped by Year Six children
Reception: Big Robins helped by Year Six children
Music Concert hosted by our very talented musicians. They, and I, are very excited to invite selected parents and carers into school to come and watch them. I know that they will do a brilliant job and make us all even prouder of them than we are already. INVITATION ONLY: Places limited to 2 adults per family. Wear warm clothes as windows and doors will be open to keep the hall well ventilated.
Come and see St Mary’s in action and meet our inspirational teaching staff: The morning will be an opportunity to meet key staff members, take a look at our facilities, ask questions about the admissions process and learn more about what our caring school can offer you and your child. Please register for this event by emailing the school office: [email protected]
Lentern Charities: With lashings of butter (Gluten free bread and Vegan spread will be available) 20p per slice made by the fair hands of our beautiful children and staff.
End of Term Celebrations
Spring Term Starts
ALL children have been set the task to create something over the Easter holidays. They can either create an Easter bonnet to show off on our catwalk on Tuesday 26th April or recreate an Easter garden. (Moved from original Monday date)