British Science Week
Fun science themed activities
Fun science themed activities
Dress up as your favourite character in a book, poem or play. If you have it, bring the matching book too. (postponed from March 4th) We have moved World Book day so that all children can wear a costume of their favourite character in a book, poem or play. We encourage children to be creative and make their costume up from wardrobes at home. We would also encourage children to bring in that favourite read to match their costume. It will be wonderful to have all that excitement that first week - we will find a way to parade our costumes!
(see the newsletter or Google Classrooms for the form link)
Help us fundraise with the return of FOSM's '50p Fridays'. Each class bubble will have a box of Friday treats (crisps, drinks, sweets etc.) and children can each bring 50p and at the end of the day and swap it for something from the box.