Teacher Training Day
Local Authority Set Teacher Training Day
Teacher Training Day
School Set Teacher Training Day
Harvest Assembly
Foodbank donations please
Year 5/6 Mass
(sorry no parents)
Early Years Virtual Open Morning (No visitors to site)
1/2 Early Years Open Morning for Nursery and Reception 2021 (Please contact the office to register for updates and information on how to access our online material for this event)
Early Years Virtual Open Morning (no visitors to site)
2/2 Early Years Open Morning for Nursery and Reception 2021 (Please contact the office to register for updates and information on how to access our online material for this event)
Learning Log: Autumn A – Return Date
Set on 21st September, this is due back on 16th October. Feedback will be Wk beginning 19th October Learning Logs 2020-2021
** CANCELLED ** Parents Evening
Please note: to comply with current COVID regulations this event has been replaced by Autumn reports. A small written report will be sent home and parents of children that are new to the school or in Robins or with special needs will also receive a phone call about their child. We would ask that other parents read the report and only request a phone call if they have concerns. Phone calls will last the same time as a normal appointment at parents evening. This protects our teachers and the class bubbles, allowing them to continue to teach your children.