‘Captain Callie & the Adventures of Bola’
Road Safety Theatre Presentation Assembly Y3-Y6
Road Safety Theatre Presentation Assembly Y3-Y6
Music Concert hosted by our very talented musicians.
They, and I, are very excited to invite selected parents and carers into school to come and watch them.
I know that they will do a brilliant job and make us all even prouder of them than we are already.
INVITATION ONLY: Places limited to 2 adults per family.
Wear warm clothes as windows and doors will be open to keep the hall well ventilated.
Lentern Charity Fundraiser: Children to come in wearing blue and yellow to support the Ukrainian people.
If you are feeling really brave, they could spray their hair in those colours! Each child would need to donate 50p.
Cookie sale – each cookie will cost 50p. Year 3/4 children to provide the cookies
Year 3: Celebrated by Father Arul during 10am Mass
All welcome
Year 3/4 – delayed due to refurbishment at the leisure centre.
Please see letter sent home and complete the necessary permission forms.
All children to bring donations for the GIFT team and our local foodbank.
(selected cohort)
See letter sent home for kit list
(selected cohort)
See letter sent home for kit list
Forest School
See letter sent home for kit list