World Book Day and Science Project Reminders

We have extended the deadline to bring in outfits for the World Book Day costume swap.
Please drop these at school by Monday 3rd March (it would be a huge help if you could put all items in a single carrier bag or coathanger so we can label them according to what they are and the approximate age).

Science Project Fair reminder.
Your child has been invited to participate by doing their own science research at home and making a display board or large A3 poster of their findings.

Monday 10th March: Deadline for projects to be brought in
Friday 14th March: Science Fair Day
Every child who enters will receive a certificate with pupils voting on winners for each keystage.

Book Fair in school (open after school 3:20 – 4pm Tuesday, Thursday, Friday)

Back by popular demand, our school book fair will be held for a week; children can browse during scheduled sessions at school and the fair will be open to parents after school Tuesday, Thursday and Friday until 4pm.

A proportion of the proceeds is gifted back to the school to purchase books of choice to help enhance our library stock. Cash and Card payments accepted.

Carefully curated trolleys full of diverse, inspiring and engaging reads allow young people to choose their next favourite read.  Age-banded book trolleys are stocked full of new releases and classic titles spanning a wide range of publishers, including special indie editions and exclusive signed copies. We also have a bespoke book trolley for parents and staff to pick their own reads!

Book Fair poster StMarys Nov 23

Book Fair (sale times 3:20-3:50pm Thursday 15th & Friday 16th)

Hunt’s Bookshop is very excited to be bringing a Book Fair to St Mary’s.  The books selected comprise of new and traditional titles plus special signed copies – presenting the perfect opportunity to find your child’s new favourite read! (And perhaps your own, as we have adult titles too)

  • Children will be escorted into the hall in groups during the day and given the opportunity to identify books they may like to purchase.
  • There is also a selection of pens, bookmarks and notebooks.
  • Payment is by cash or card; parents and carers can come after school on both Thursday 15th and during Friday’s Father’s Day Event to buy books.
  • Children who attend after school club can bring cash in an envelope with instructions as to spend limits/desired titles and we will try to support their purchase.


World Book Day 2022

The theme of World Book Day for 2022 is – You are a Reader!  

World Book Day will take place on Thursday 3rd March and we would like to invite the children to either wear their pyjamas for the day (a St. Mary’s favourite way to spend a day at school!) or to dress up as your favourite book character.  We would like each child to bring in their favourite book from home (if they can) to share with their friends and during the day staff will have lots of Reading activities planned to remind children about the fun and importance of reading.

Find out more: