Health Needs Assessment (Y6) & National Child Measurement Programme (YR & Y6)

The school nursing service – Warwickshire School Health and Wellbeing – will be coming into school to see Reception and Year six to deliver the key elements of the Universal Healthy Child Programme the National Child Measurement Programme (NCMP).

Year 6 pupils will also complete an Online Health Needs Assessment (HNA).

Letters to be sent home with YR and Y6 pupils

Confirmation 2022 @ 10:00

Year 6: Catholics

Bishop William Kenny has now confirmed that the date for confirmation will be held by him at 10.00am on Sunday 12th June 2022.

Leavers’ Day

A fun-filled farewell for our Skylarks.
Year 5 and 6 will enjoy special events throughout the day and after school.
Joining info and further details on the Skylarks’ Google Classrooms