Autumn Term Open Mornings

Come and visit us in our exciting school and find out about our Nursery places for children aged 3+, Reception and In-Year Transfers. The morning will be an opportunity to meet key staff members, take a look at our facilities, ask questions about the admissions process and learn more about what our caring school can offer you and your child.

Tuesday 4th October 09:30 – 11:00

Thursday 3rd November 09:30 – 11:00

Please register for this event by emailing the school office:

Spread the word! If you know of someone with children who will shortly be turning 3, do please let them know about our upcoming Open Mornings. We offer flexible hours and wrap around care. All children are entitled to 15 hours free childcare and working families may be eligible for 30 hours.

School Closed: Monday 19th September

As you may be aware Monday 19th September 2022 has been declared as a bank holiday, this will mean that school and wrap around care will be closed all day. School and wrap around care will be open as usual on Tuesday 20th September 2022.

As this is a time of national mourning, it is only right and respectful that we postpone this week’s Celebration Assembly on Friday 16th September, we will double up on Friday 23rd September 2022. Therefore, the children who have achieved behaviour, lunchtime award or Star of the Week will be celebrated (quite righty), but a week later. As a mark of respect, there will also be no newsletter this week.

Welcome Back!

We’re looking forward to seeing you all back at school on Tuesday 6th.
For all the important diary dates, please check our Events page and the weekly Newsletter.
Term dates for the year are available to download as a ‘fridge poster’ on our Academic Calendar page.
If you aren’t yet signed up to the class WhatsApp or would like a partner to get copies of email correspondence, please email the school office to arrange.