CANCELLED Class Mass – Year 6
Catholic Church of Our Lady and Saint Wulstan 5 Wood St, SouthamApologies, this week's Class Mass has been cancelled Feast of St John Fisher & Thomas More
Apologies, this week's Class Mass has been cancelled Feast of St John Fisher & Thomas More
Parish event in school grounds International Open-air Mass Sunday 25th June 2023 At St Mary’s School Daventry Rd. 11.00am start This is an opportunity for us all to explore the diversity of our parish community. We are inviting parishioners to share their nationality at a special mass, to be celebrated in the grounds of our Primary School. All are invited to* Dress according to your nationality Bring a representative item for the offertory procession Help with special Bidding prayers Bring and share lunch – International dishes (of course!) Bask in the glorious sunshine/ shelter in the school hall. After the mass, we will gather to share what should be a wide selection of food, reflecting the international theme. There will also […]
Feast of Ss Peter & Paul
Week 13 of Ordinary Time
Week 14 of Ordinary Time
Our first whole school Celebration Mass is this coming Thursday in Church at 9:30: a real coming together in prayer and song. Each class will also have their own celebration of Mass during this term - these are to be held in the school hall. Again, I'd love to see parents join us - Catholic or non-Catholic!
We are holding a Harvest & Creation inspired achievement Assembly this Friday. Children are invited to bring some dried goods to the assembly as a harvest offering - pasta, tins, rice etc. All offerings will go to the local foodbank. It is also CAFOD Family Fast Day this coming Friday. If you'd rather, please take an envelope from the front entrance and put a donation in. 100% of all donations will go to CAFOD. I recognise that for many, times are tight but it you are in a position to do to, your generosity will make a big difference.
(Trip kindly funded by the Sisters of the Poor Child Jesus)