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Catholic Life
Confirmation Enrolment Mass
Catholic Church of Our Lady and Saint Wulstan 5 Wood St, SouthamConfirmation enrolment Y6s at 10am in church, please attend to support our children if you can
Class Mass – Year 3 & Year 4
School HallParents Welcome
Class Mass – Year 5 and Year 6
School HallUpper KS2 Class Mass - parents welcome
Class Mass – Nursery, Reception, Year 1 and Year 2
School HallEYFS & KS1 Mass - Parents welcome
Whole school Mass for Easter
Catholic Church of Our Lady and Saint Wulstan 5 Wood St, SouthamParents welcome
Whole School Mass
Start of Summer Term
Whole School Mass
Ascension Day
First Holy Communion Sacrament (Year 3)
Catholic Church of Our Lady and Saint Wulstan 5 Wood St, SouthamAll First Holy Communion Candidates and their families - all other children from the school invited