Alternative Collection Arrangements while the swimming pool is here
See Letter sent home
See Letter sent home
See letter sent home 13.01.23 - all parents must reply in order for us to timetable swimming
Year 3 -6 please have your kit in school every day. Year 1 and 2 will need their kit on Tuesday or Thursday (days are mixed as groupings depend on their assessed swimming level). Friday's timetable will be a special reward swim for our half term superstars.
The season of Lent begins on Ash Wednesday, which is on 22nd February, this is during half term but please do take your children along to mass with Father Arul. As we are not at school for the beginning of this liturgical season, we have invested in ensuring every child has access to the teachings that we would normally share with the children. Use the following links to share each day, from Wednesday to Friday, with the children: • Wednesday 22nd February 2023 - • Thursday 23rd February 2023 - • Friday 24th February 2023 - Why don’t you encourage the children to research Lent during the holiday?
Supporting families to understand Coventry and Warwickshire RISE mental wellbeing services Taking place on Tuesday 28 February 2023 from 12pm to 1pm and hosted by Warwickshire County Council, the webinar aims to raise awareness of the support available through Coventry and Warwickshire RISE. RISE is the family of NHS services led by mental health specialists and aims to build resilience and empower children, young people, and the adults in their lives, so they know where to go for support and advice when the going can get tough.
Regardless of your actual house, celebrate our House Saint on St Day's Day by wearing yellow or a daffodil item. Dydd Gŵyl Dewi Hapus