Spring Term Clubs

All the following are now live to book up until February half term:

Netball (Year 5 & 6 Mondays)

Tag Rugby (Year 3-6 Wednesdays)

Dance (Year R-Year 6 Wednesdays) – this is bookable with Miss Jenny directly. See letter for details

Football (Year 4-6 Thursdays, Year 1-3 Fridays)

Before and After School Club (can be booked/amended until 5pm the night before)

This item will not be available to book until you have completed the mandatory registration form with SOS contacts and medical details.

  • For all clubs except dance, please log into ParentPay or speak to the school office to book your club place
  • If your child is to attend After School Club following another club please inform the staff member running the club to allow for a safe transition between clubs.