Spring Term Clubs

All the following are now live to book up until February half term:

Netball (Year 5 & 6 Mondays)

Tag Rugby (Year 3-6 Wednesdays)

Dance (Year R-Year 6 Wednesdays) – this is bookable with Miss Jenny directly. See letter for details

Football (Year 4-6 Thursdays, Year 1-3 Fridays)

Before and After School Club (can be booked/amended until 5pm the night before)

This item will not be available to book until you have completed the mandatory registration form with SOS contacts and medical details.

  • For all clubs except dance, please log into ParentPay or speak to the school office to book your club place
  • If your child is to attend After School Club following another club please inform the staff member running the club to allow for a safe transition between clubs.

Help Links for Christmas

❄️ Support for families at Christmas: https://www.compass-uk.org/news/parents/help-at-christmas/

❄️ Cost of Living Support for Warwickshire Residents: https:// www.costoflivingwarwickshire.co.uk

❄️ The local Southam Foodbank is open at the Graham Adams Centre on Monday 23rd, it will be on the 30th for emergencies only: Locations | Fosse Foodbank

❄️ Kids eat free Christmas 2024: 32 places where kids eat free over the Christmas holidays

❄️ Mental Health support at Christmas: Christmas and mental health – Mind

News @ St Mary’s

Our newsletters are now published fortnightly. You can always see the latest issue on our Newsletter page and see the latest diary dates (scroll down to subscribe to get them on your phone) on our website – and check out our new Facebook page to celebrate all of the fantastic things that happen at the school.

We are committed to ensuring that our Facebook page remains a safe, positive, and inclusive space for all members of the St Mary’s community. As such, we kindly ask that our Facebook page remains a positive place and that if you have any questions or concerns that you raise these directly with the school in the usual way.

URGENT: Snow Closure Friday 10th

❄️❄️ SNOW CLOSURE – online learning ❄️❄️
Myself and the Governors have had to make the very, very difficult decision to keep the school closed today.

I will not be able to get staff in to keep the children safe as we have staff travelling from Coventry, Redditch, Leamington, Warwick and Daventry. Work will be put on learning platforms or emailed to you as parents for today. We will move crazy hair day to Monday – which will coincide with the beginning of Science week. To make it more special children may also come in to school in non-uniform. I am so sorry that this decision has been made but I need to give you all as much notice as possible.

I will liaise with FOSM about the disco this evening and let you all know.

Calling all budding artists! My Democracy Design Competition.

This summer we’re celebrating 150 years of the Houses of Parliament! It took nearly 30 years to rebuild the Palace of Westminster after a devastating fire, but in 1870 it was finally completed with the beautiful mosaic tiles in Central Lobby.

To help us celebrate, Sir Lindsay Hoyle, Speaker of the House of Commons is calling on budding young artists to take part in an exciting summer art competition to design their own democracy themed tile!

Please click on the link below to get involved…

Good luck to all!