Transition / Moving Up Day

All our classes will spend time getting to know their new teachers, classrooms and class routines.

Our new Reception cohort are invited, and this is also settling in session #2 for our September Nursery starters.

(Year 6 pupils moving up within Warwickshire will spend this day at their new secondary school)

Virtual Open Morning & School Video

Ordinarily, around this time of year, we’d be opening our doors and I’d be welcoming you and your children into St Mary’s to tour our fabulous facilities and see our thriving school and dedicated, friendly staff in action – but this year is anything but ordinary.

Although we’re not having a physical open day this year, my staff and I are very keen to get to know prospective parents and will gladly arrange phone or video calls and visits in person, albeit to protect our class bubbles these will need to happen outside of school hours. Please watch our virtual open day video, and contact the office to make an appointment if you’d like to find out more

Go to our Virtual Open Morning Page