World Book Day and Science Project Reminders

We have extended the deadline to bring in outfits for the World Book Day costume swap.
Please drop these at school by Monday 3rd March (it would be a huge help if you could put all items in a single carrier bag or coathanger so we can label them according to what they are and the approximate age).

Science Project Fair reminder.
Your child has been invited to participate by doing their own science research at home and making a display board or large A3 poster of their findings.

Monday 10th March: Deadline for projects to be brought in
Friday 14th March: Science Fair Day
Every child who enters will receive a certificate with pupils voting on winners for each keystage.

EYFS Dinosaur Day

Come dressed as a paleontologist or dinosaur-themed!

(For Reception & Nursery only)

World Maths Day – dress in number themed outfit

We are asking every child to come dressed up as a number or maths themed outfit.

It will be a fun-filled day of maths activities and games, made even better if you “dress up for digits” in true style.
We look forward to seeing your amazing dress up ideas and, for KS2, the relaunch of Times Tables Rockstars with a chance to see new names and times on our Rockstar Wall of Fame.

read the letter sent home

Easter Home Project

As we are journey through this period of the liturgical calendar I would like ALL children
to create some things over the Easter holidays. They can either create an Easter bonnet, to
show off on our cat walk on Tuesday 26th April or to re-create an Easter garden.
(See the newsletter for examples and inspiration)

I cannot wait to display all of these throughout the school in our further journey to Pentecost.