Could YOU be our new Parent Governor?

Our school’s governing board has a parent governor vacancy.
Parent governors are elected by their fellow parents and are vital to a governing board because they ensure that the other governors are kept in touch with the concerns and issues of most importance to our parents. Being a parent governor can be stimulating, enjoyable and rewarding. If you have the enthusiasm and desire to join our governing board then please complete a nomination form or contact us to find out more.
Application deadline: 12pm on Monday 4th October

>> Parent Governor Vacancy Notice


It is with great regret that the Governing Body and Mrs Price have made the decision to close the school tomorrow, ending term a day early.  Due to COVID complications we do not believe we could deliver safe levels of staffing for the children, leaving us regrettably no option but to close tomorrow. All parents have been emailed further details this evening (Tuesday 20th).