In light of the Prime Minister’s announcement at 8pm on 4th January, please be aware that the school will be closed to ALL PUPILS on Tuesday 5th January. Online learning will be available from Tuesday.  

Key workers and parents of vulnerable children who have emailed the school will be contacted shortly. Please bear with us while we adapt to this rapid change and establish new, secure key worker and vulnerable bubbles with appropriate child and staffing ratios.

Thank you 


Please see below a range of health, wellbeing, financial and family support links:

Warwickshire School Health & Wellbeing Service
In a year of uncertainty and upheaval, it’s no surprise that many families are facing difficulties in their daily lives. Children and young people may be feeling anxious, frustrated, sad, stressed and many other difficult emotions, which may contribute to wider issues such as sleep disorders, substance misuse and challenging behaviour. 

While it’s not unusual to be dealing with these problems, that doesn’t mean they can be ignored if they are impacting on your or your child’s wellbeing, or that families have to go through this alone; help is here when you need it. 

The Family Support Line & Parenting Presentations 
Recorded parenting presentations from the Early Help and Targeted Support team: 

The Family Support Line – 01926 412412 offers advice, support and guidance for parents, carers and professionals.  

The team are planning a comprehensive range of free parenting programmes for delivery during 2021 which will be advertised on the Warwickshire website and can be booked through Eventbrite:

Facing Hardship 
For information about wider support from the council and other services, go to:    

The leaflet about help with food access and money management is available at:   

For the latest COVID support and advice please visit:

Virtual Open Morning & School Video

Ordinarily, around this time of year, we’d be opening our doors and I’d be welcoming you and your children into St Mary’s to tour our fabulous facilities and see our thriving school and dedicated, friendly staff in action – but this year is anything but ordinary.

Although we’re not having a physical open day this year, my staff and I are very keen to get to know prospective parents and will gladly arrange phone or video calls and visits in person, albeit to protect our class bubbles these will need to happen outside of school hours. Please watch our virtual open day video, and contact the office to make an appointment if you’d like to find out more

Go to our Virtual Open Morning Page