St Mary’s pupils shone in this year’s Oxford German Olympiad

Skylarks pupils once again took part in the annual competition, which sees schools from across the country participating. The Oxford University German Department called all young learners of German to enter the competition and the theme this year was “Natur und Technik” – Nature and Technology.

Skylarks were asked to research and reflect on “Natur und Technik” in the German-speaking world, how and where the two concepts overlap and what challenges they might pose to us in the 21st century. 

There were more than 750 entries submitted by pupils from 97 schools across the UK.

We are extremely pleased to report that four of our pupils were successful in the competition! Maisie McCormick and Zachary Bosworth were highly commended in the category “Design a robot and label its parts, write what it can do.” Darcey Meredith was highly commended in the category You’re going to set up a community on Mars – draw your spaceship and the fifteen most important things to take, and label them.” Matilda O’Connor was runner up for the same category, and has been invited to receive her prize at Oxford’s prestigious Bodleian Library next year. We should add that it is the second year in a row that Matilda has received a prize – bravo! 

Well done to all of the Skylarks who participated, the standard of your work was truly excellent. 

Helplines and resources to support parents and children

Dear Children and Parents,

As a school we sympathise with you during this uncertain and challenging time. The unknown and constant changes can cause anxiety to rise and mental health to decline. We have received some resources to support you all during this period. Below are links to some visual resources to help young children, or children with SEND, to prepare for the return to school, and to reflect on their lockdown experience.

There is a flier below with contact details for any children to call regarding their mental health. It is a 24 hour 7 days a week telephone advice helpline run by qualified mental health clinicians to be there for you to contact when you need. 

There is a Council helpline for any parents and carers who have any concerns or queries. You can contact the Parental helpline on 01926 412021, from 9am to 5pm, or check the Council’s website for further information. 

The parent and carer webpage can be found by clicking here 

Take care of yourselves,

St. Mary’s Team
