Need help over Summer?

The council’s Local Welfare Scheme continues to help Warwickshire’s most vulnerable residents at times of unavoidable crisis when they have no other means of help and can provide financial support and advice for people in crisis who need support to access food and utilities. The scheme also signposts to further support available from other public, community and voluntary services around the county.

Any families needing to seek help over Summer (or at any time) can contact:     

Warwickshire Local Welfare Scheme - 01926 359182 or 0800 4081448

For information about wider support from the council and other services, go to:

PE KIT – Thursday 22nd June


Can ALL children come in to school on Thursday in school PE kits as we are going to have a practice run of sports day.

We are having to change some things as the racing track on the field cannot be used. Due to the weather this has created some significant dips in the grass and it is too dangerous, following our risk assessment, to use. We will plot out an alternate track somewhere else. Any questions please ask your child’s teacher.

Book Fair this week

Sale Times: 3:20-3:50PM Thursday 15th and Friday 16th

Hunt’s Bookshop is very excited to be bringing a Book Fair to St Mary’s.  The books selected comprise of new and traditional titles plus special signed copies – presenting the perfect opportunity to find your child’s new favourite read! (And perhaps your own, as we have adult titles too)

– Children will be escorted into the hall in groups during the day and given the opportunity to identify books they may like to purchase.

– There is also a selection of pens, bookmarks and notebooks.

– Payment is by cash or card; parents and carers can come to buy books after school on both Thursday 15th and during Friday 16th’s Father’s Day Event.

– Children who attend After School Club can bring cash in an envelope with instructions as to spend limits/desired titles and we will try to support their purchase.