Change of Date – Class Masses

Father Arul has asked to move our regular class Masses to a Thursday going forward.
(The Whole School Mass will now take place on MONDAY 28th November).
Unless otherwise stated, Masses are at 09:15 at the church and all are welcome.
Please see revised days below and also on our Calendar.

10th November Year 6
17th November St Albert the Great | Year 4
24th November St Cecilia | Year 5
28th November 1st week of Advent | Whole School (Monday)
8th December 2nd week of Advent | Year 6
15th December 3rd week of Advent | Year 3

There is also a Key Stage 2 Carol Concert in church at 6pm on December 14th

School Closed: Monday 19th September

As you may be aware Monday 19th September 2022 has been declared as a bank holiday, this will mean that school and wrap around care will be closed all day. School and wrap around care will be open as usual on Tuesday 20th September 2022.

As this is a time of national mourning, it is only right and respectful that we postpone this week’s Celebration Assembly on Friday 16th September, we will double up on Friday 23rd September 2022. Therefore, the children who have achieved behaviour, lunchtime award or Star of the Week will be celebrated (quite righty), but a week later. As a mark of respect, there will also be no newsletter this week.

Welcome Back!

We’re looking forward to seeing you all back at school on Tuesday 6th.
For all the important diary dates, please check our Events page and the weekly Newsletter.
Term dates for the year are available to download as a ‘fridge poster’ on our Academic Calendar page.
If you aren’t yet signed up to the class WhatsApp or would like a partner to get copies of email correspondence, please email the school office to arrange.