Newsletter 18th October
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We will be holding our Annual General Meeting on Thursday 3rd October 7-9pm @ school.
A chance for old and new faces to get together, enjoy an evening of wine and nibbles and chat about what you would like to see from FOSM.
We are also currently a very small team of three, so welcome anyone who would like to get involved! At the AGM we re-elect committee roles (currently have secretary and trustee roles available), discuss what events to hold this year, what we could fund and most importantly we love to hear any new ideas! Whether you would like to take on a role, help at an event, have skills we could benefit from, new ideas, or just want to see what goes on, join us!
No commitments, no obligations, just a chance to come together as a school community to pool ideas for raising more money in 24/25! At the very least you’ll be able to get out of doing the bedtime routine and enjoy some wine!! Bring a friend, grandparent or spouse, all are welcome.
We hope to see you there
Read our Welcome Letter:
Do you have a child who is due to start reception in September 2025?
Or are you looking for a nursery place?
We would like to invite you to visit our friendly and welcoming school. We provide a great education for all families, regardless of faith, so do come and have a look at what we can offer.
Tours can be booked by contacting the school office: or 01926 812512
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Children now come to school in their PE kits on the days they have PE. Please refer to the uniform policy for the correct St Mary’s PE kit as your child will need to wear this on PE days and will not be allowed to wear general sportswear.
Schedule of lessons Autumn 2024 (we will update you if this changes):
September 6th Attachments:
BOOK Miss Jenny’s Funky Dance
BOOK Clubs on ParentPay
BOOK Music Lessons (choose ‘in school tuition’ and look for St Mary’s)
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(We are aware some email accounts are having issues with Sway links today; if the link above doesn’t work for you, please use this alternative one:
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