Save the Date! Summer Fair
Friday 12th July 3:20 – 6pm

Each family has been issued a set of raffle tickets to sell.
If you would like to purchase tickets, please fill out the stubs and return them, with the money, to the school office by Thursday 14th December.
If you don’t wish to buy any, or have any left over, please also return these tickets to the school office so we can sell on.
Please share with friends and family, and remember you can always buy as many tickets online as you like at:
Back by popular demand, our school book fair will be held for a week; children can browse during scheduled sessions at school and the fair will be open to parents after school Tuesday, Thursday and Friday until 4pm.
A proportion of the proceeds is gifted back to the school to purchase books of choice to help enhance our library stock. Cash and Card payments accepted.
Carefully curated trolleys full of diverse, inspiring and engaging reads allow young people to choose their next favourite read. Age-banded book trolleys are stocked full of new releases and classic titles spanning a wide range of publishers, including special indie editions and exclusive signed copies. We also have a bespoke book trolley for parents and staff to pick their own reads!
Everyone welcome! Whether you fancy helping at events or just have some ideas you wish to share, we would love to see you there!
Year One and Year Five/ Six Lead: Break the Rules
50p payable per rule break
– a maximum limit of £5.00 per child to be imposed
Year Two Lead – Chocolate Raffle
Between now and the 24th March we are asking for donations of chocolate, Easter themed or not, no matter the size, all donations are appreciated.
Raffle tickets will be sold to all children at 50p a ticket and children will be able to buy them at break times.
The raffle will then be announced and winners given their prizes on 24th March.
Wear your pyjamas and bring a teddy
(optional) for a donation. Y4/5 Lead Class
Please ensure children bring outdoor shoes and coats for break times.
50p per cake – cakes to be brought in by all children and Year Three will sell them.
How crazy can you make your hair?
+ Non-uniform
(Moved to Monday after Friday’s snow closure)
EYFS and Years Five and Six Toast at breaktime 20p per slice
We are now in the season of Lent; this is a time when we pray more, we fast more and we give more.
The children from each class have decided on the following charitable events that they would like to do as follows:
Date | Lead Class | What is needed |
Friday 3rd March 2023 | EYFS and Years Five and Six | Toast at breaktime 20p per slice Children from EYFS and Year Five and Six (Mrs Banat-Rinz’s class) to provide the bread please. |
Friday 10th March 2023 | Year Three | Cake sales and Crazy Hair Day 50p per cake – cakes to be brought in by all children and Year Three will sell them. How crazy can you make your hair? |
Friday 17th March 2023 | Years Four and Five – Mrs Hawley and Miss Costa’s class | Wear your pyjamas and bring a teddy (optional) for a donation. Please ensure children bring outdoor shoes and coats for break times. |
Friday 24th March 2023 | Year Two | Chocolate Raffle Between now and the 24th March we are asking for donations of chocolate, Easter themed or not, no matter the size, all donations are appreciated. Raffle tickets will be sold to all children at 50p a ticket and children will be able to buy them at break times. The raffle will then be announced and winners given their prizes on 24th March. |
Friday 31st March 2023 | Year One and Years Five and Six: Mrs Banat-Rinz’s class | Break the Rules 50p payable per rule break – a maximum limit of £5.00 per child to be imposed |