Lights Camel Action 2! The Sequin.

The judges have gathered their scorecards, dancers are waiting in the wings
and the audience is assembled for Lights, Camel Action 2! The Sequin.

A star-studded line-up of nativity celebrities – our talented Key Stage 2
children – gathered in the stable once again to celebrate the amazing events of
that first Christmas, retelling the incredible story of Jesus’ birth in a
celebration full of pizzazz and razzmatazz! They performed a fabulous range of
dance styles from gospel to hustle and ceilidh to conga. Bravo to our amazing

Children’s learning log photos…

The launch of this new ‘home learning’ initiative promised creativity, collaboration and celebration, and during our first eagerly anticipated ‘feedback week’ the children’s fantastic learning logs certainly did not disappoint! The buzz of excitement in school this week has been unmistakable as the children in each class shared their unique Learning Logs. They have been truly amazing! Click on a picture to open the gallery.

raise funds every time you shop online…. easyfundraising total hits nearly £1,000!!!

We have raised more than £950 through easyfundraising (£953.59 to be precise).

Please help us support Friends Of St Mary’s Southam by shopping online.

If we all remember to shop online through easyfundraising we can easily double or treble our total in the next 12 months.

Use easyfundraising to shop with over 3,700 retailers including Amazon, Argos, John Lewis, ASOS,, eBay, Boden, and M&S.

Every time you shop, you’ll raise a free donation for Friends Of St Mary’s Southam, it’s that easy!

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For more information, please click here

Butterfly farm visit

On Wednesday 3rd July 2019, Kingfisher class took a trip to Stratford-Upon-Avon Butterfly Farm as part of our Rainforest topic. We had a fantastic day and absolutely loved being surrounded by thousands of different species of butterfly! Our tour guide, Mark, even let us hold a tarantula at the end! You can see how we felt, judging by the look on our faces! Miss Righton

Confirmation 20th June 2019

As the sun shone on the evening of Thursday 20th June, The Confirmandi and their families, together with the KS2 choir and parish community, gathered to celebrate the Sacrament of Confirmation. It was a wonderful occasion led by Bishop William Kenney, and Father Sebastian. Well done to the children for their excellent preparations and reverence! Please don’t forget to pop in and see the children’s work on display in the church hall