Come and say hello…

Come and see St Mary’s in action and meet our inspirational teaching staff:
* If you know of someone with children due to start school next September, or who will shortly be turning 3, do please let them know about our next Open Morning. *

Our staff will be on hand to lead Early Years tours for new reception and nursery parents (class of 2022) on Thursday 2nd December, 9.30 – 11.00am
The morning will be an opportunity to meet key staff members, take a look at our facilities, ask questions about the admissions process and learn more about what our caring school can offer you and your child.

Calling All Volunteers…

I’m sure that you will agree that the new windows and doors have given the building a face lift and now we want the outdoor area to have the same. Can you help with painting fences? Declutter St Mary’s Secret Garden, restore some of our raised beds ready for the children to plant? Do you have an hour to spare one Saturday?

If you can answer yes to any of these questions then please get in touch!

Could YOU be our new Parent Governor?

Our school’s governing board has a parent governor vacancy.
Parent governors are elected by their fellow parents and are vital to a governing board because they ensure that the other governors are kept in touch with the concerns and issues of most importance to our parents. Being a parent governor can be stimulating, enjoyable and rewarding. If you have the enthusiasm and desire to join our governing board then please complete a nomination form or contact us to find out more.
Application deadline: 12pm on Monday 4th October

>> Parent Governor Vacancy Notice